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Thursday, June 24, 2010

MLM Do's and Please Don'ts

When I first joined my MLM company, I had no idea that the industry even existed. Three years later,,, I'm loving it and want to share it with people. I've only started really studying the industry this last year. The first two years I learned a lot but I didn't treat it as a seriously viable option until this year.

The first lesson is do maintain and gain good relationships. What does this mean? It means calling people back when they call you, writing people back when they send you a gift or write you. Remembering people's birthdays. L>I>S>T>E>N>I>N>G to people, listening to people and listen some more. I repeat this because your first impulse is to equate with more yacky yack with more sales but the opposite can be true. If you are always jawing away at people with out listening, you may miss the time that they are ready to buy. If they are telling you they have fifty dollars and you are trying to sell them a hundred dollar package, they will feel insulted and want to run from you.

If you don't talk too much, don't go after your friends and family until after you have your first sign up, don't think a website, business cards, flyers will do the job for you. Yes advertising works but what good is a website if no one sees it? You should go to the sites that give you free traffic if you actually want human beings to see your site.
Write down your "why" and put it on the top of your computer on a stickynote, or somewhere where you see it while working. Do set a weekly or monthly training session with your team or yourself before you have a team. Do make a goal list and work with a do list calender. Organize your deskspace so that you don't have to climb over papers or junk to get to your work.

Do actively ask for referrals. If you give honest, heartfelt compliments and praise to people, they will remember you and want to refer friends to you. Don't ever give up because you aren't moving fast enough, remember that like life, you'll only get out what you put in. Do set up a double opt in email newsletter. Learn some SEO, web marketing, and talk to yourself in the mirror till you know your thirty second testimonial in your sleep. Write an article like this one about your industry. I personally recommend wellness but you should follow your passion in choosing a company. Do read daily inspirational quotes and keep a sense of humor and drive.

Jonathan Lunger life coach, independent distributer with an amazing company

Have an amazing one, be well!

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