Each person has a unique journey through life. Sure we can all see similarities in movies and comedians and talking with friends and family, but in a sense, we all are born alone and die alone. How you make your decisions is very important. Wouldn't it be great if for sight was 20/20 like hindsight? How do you affect your situation? Do you have an attitude like you are a winner, loser, or forever floating in the middle? We often recognize others faults with greater repulsion if we see ourselves in them. This also works in the other way where we are drawn to others who share our strengths. Everyone that reads this, please know that you can make the right decisions to improve your life and the lives of everyone. Know that what's right for someone else might not always be what's right for you. I believe science will someday prove, if it hasn't already, that foods you are crazy for are actually better for YOU, than foods you don't like. Music that YOU like is the kind of music you should play. I could go on and on as this concept of your uniqueness can only ever be fully known by you, the witness to all your thoughts.
Focus your mind on thoughts that will draw you closer and closer to your goals until you achieve them. Great accomplishments are often described as situations where people overcame great odds to win. Any great achievement comes through a lot of hard work. I'm not talking about physically versus mentally versus spiritually. I'm talking about the learning process of trial and error. If you really push the limits to learn, you will inevitably make plenty of errors. The simple mind gets embarrassed and gives up to avoid that. The driven mind looks at an error as an opportunity for growth. Errors can be so enlightening because people usually don't get to the wins without making a lot of them.
So looking at your life and the lives of your friends and families, what can you do to help the world while also remaining true to your inner calling? The answer can be found in how you view and respond to your critics. The group thinker might say, "what is best for the bigger society?" Another person might say, " I can't really help society until I first decide what my role should be." An artist may not be able to do anything else in the world except art. Some people laugh and say you're not doing anything right until you have a group of doubters or critics. Whatever the case may be, you only get one life ( unless you believer in reincarnation and that can be debated forever). So I encourage you to make your decision to win and win big. You know what path you want in life because it's the path that stirs your soul. Best of luck to you and if you keep trying long enough you won't need any luck. Does try exist? That depends on your confidense level and how much you believe in your will. Think about it. Then do it. Your self will thank you.