I searched google for the galactic federation of light((paoweb.com) and tried the star seed activation. I felt very good from it and recommend it. The saying many will come but few are chosen does not mean some people are chosen at random. The meaning for me is that people self select to be chosen. The process is a decision to get up and go out and get yours. Knowing that giving of yourself tirelessly is the fastest way to get yours is the awakening to our collective interconnectedness. Don't put yourself in a limit inducing box physically or mentally or spiritually. One definition of an adult is the ability to self define. If I let someone else describe me I become voiceless. Each individual in the collective has unique attributes and the freedom to define who and what they are where and when and why they want to be. Follow your goals and dreams with a PASSION that is volcanic and unyielding. If it's God's will for you to succeed( and I believe it is), then nothing on heaven,hell,earth, pergatory, and beyond can stop you, smile from the inside out, have a blessed one, Jon